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Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Hide Your Data Into Images Audio Or Anything

Ever wondered to know how to hide secret messages in images, audio and video files?

Well, in this post I will take you through a concept called steganography using which, it is possible to hide your secret information in image files, songs or any other file of your choice.

At the end of this post, you can also download free stegnographic tools and start hiding your data.

> What Is Stenography ?

Stegnography tools implement intelligent algorithms to carefully embed the encrypted text messages or data inside other larger files such as an image, audio, video or an executable file.

Some tools will embed the encrypted data at the end of another file so that there will be enough room for storing larger data.

There are many stenography tools available online but only a few are able to work  flawlessly.

You can download it from the following link.

Download Link

> About Software.

The zip file contains two versions of Stego Magic: One for encrypting the text messages and the other for encrypting binary files.

 StegoMagic_TXT can be used to hide text messages in other files such as an image or a sound file.

 StegoMagic_BIN can be used to hide one binary file in another such as an executable file inside an image or an image inside a video file.

With Stego Magic, there is no limitation on the size and type of the file that you are intending to hide.

 For example, you can hide a video of size 1 GB in an image of size 1 MB or hide an executable file inside a WORD document.

The tool is pretty straightforward to use and requires no special understanding of the concept.

At the end of the encryption process, a secret decryption key will be generated and the same is required during the decryption process.

> How to Use Stego Magic ?

Suppose you want to hide a text message inside a JPG file:

1. Place the JPG and the text file (.txt) in the same folder as that of StegoMagic_TXT.exe

2. Run StegoMagic_TXT.exe and follow the screen instructions to embed the text message inside the JPG image.

3. Note down the secret decryption key.

Now you can send this image to your friend via email.

To decrypt the hidden message, your friend should load this JPG file onto the Stego Magic tool and use the secret decryption key.

So Enjoy This Trick .

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